pitch decks of great startups

Download – Pitch Decks of 8 Legendary Startups

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The most important aspect of raising funding is the “Pitch Deck”. A good pitch deck is the one which can make or break your fundraising dreams. You have worked hard for your startup, your product is brilliant and the next step is to raise funds so that you can accelerate your growth.


What is a good Pitch Deck?

A good pitch deck is one which is crisp, has all the areas an investor wants to know about and contains less jargon. The moment an investor sees jargon in your pitch deck, he will know that you have more fluff and less substance. It is better to do your own research and have a look at some of the pitch decks that many successful startups had used.


Bangalore Insider has curated and have created this eBook which contains pitch decks from companies like Facebook, Linkedin AirBnb, Youtube etc.


Here is the link to the eBook that contains “Pitch Decks of 8 Legendary Startups”.

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